24 June 2010

Dia 8o: Montar a caballo

Hoy, los estudiantes disfrutaban un dia libre. Aqui, puedes leer que hizo una de los estudiantes.

Hoy dormimos hasta las dos. Nos despertamos, y comimos el almuerzo. Comí un huevo, patatas fritas, pollo y pan. La abuela de Cecilia siempre me da más comida de la que puedo comerme, y Ceci siempre esta gritando, '¡Si no quiere, no quiere, abuela!' Después de comer, fuimos a un lago muy grande con Ceci, su hermano y su perro. Anduvimos cerca del lago y saque muchas fotos de los pájaros y peces que estaban allí. Fuimos a casa para coger helados, y después fuimos a un castillo muy antiguo y grande. Caminamos por los jardines, y, otra vez, saque muchas fotos. Cuando volvimos a casa, monté a caballo con Ceci y su hermano. Al principio, solo montamos cerca de casa, pero luego fuimos por las montañas detrás de la casa. La vista era muy bonita. Mi caballo era muy tranquilo, pero el caballo del hermano de Cecilia estaba muy nervioso. Siempre quería correr y salir corriendo. Después de casi una hora, volvimos a casa.
Today, the students enjoyed a free day. Here, you can read what one of the students did.

Today we slept until two. We ate lunch as soon as we woke up. I had eggs, french fries, chicken and bread; Cecilia's grandma always gives me more food than I can eat. Cecilia is always telling her, 'If she doesn't want it, she doesn't want it!' After lunch, we took a walk around saltwater marshes and a lake. After that, we stopped home to get ice cream, and then drove to a castle. The castle was hundreds of years old, and had a moat, drawbridge and dungeon. We walked through the gardens for a while, and I took a lot of photos. When we returned to the house, I went horseback riding with Cecilia and her brother. At first, we only rode in the turnout, but once I got used to my horse, we rode into the mountains behind the house. The scenery was amazing, and when the path was level, we could trot and canter. The only problem was Alberto's horse was very nervous, and kept trying to gallop and rear. After almost an hour, went back to the house.

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